Tag: Gama Bomb

NEWS: Gama Bomb head over to Miami!

…with a bucket load of nostalgia for 80’s American Cop shows like Miami Vice, Irish Thrash Kings Gama Bomb have shared another from their upcoming 4th December record “Savage Sea“, which will of course appear via Prosthetic Records. The track in question is entitled “Miami Supercops” and the tongue in cheek video is hilariously good.

NEWS: Gama Bomb bring out their inner “Sheer Khan”!

Two years after “Speed Between The Lines“, we’re counting down the days until 4th December and “Savage Sea“, the next album Irish Thrash Metal act Gama Bomb who have given us another teaser for the record in “Sheer Khan“. The album cover art was painted by Graham Humphreys, the artist who created posters for “A

NEWS: Gama Bomb take to the high seas!

Filmed on location at Fanad Lighthouse, Donegal, Ireland, Gama Bomb have dropped a glorious black and white video for “Sea Savage“, the title track of their 4th December new album of the same name. Pre-orders for the Thrash spectacular are available over at bandcamp. The press statement reads: “Inspired by Victorian horror and maritime adventures

NEWS: Charity Single from Gama Bomb!

Irish Thrash Metallers who get their pants from China, Gama Bomb have taken the decision to support the Dublin Simon Community, a charity who work to prevent and address homelessness with a new single entitled “Living For The Lockdown“. Available for purchase over at bandcamp with all the money going to the cause, their label

NEWS: Gama Bomb speed past Shrapnel!

Five albums in sixteen years might not seem like much but for the premier Irish Thrash Metal band otherwise known as Gama Bomb, who once had an album given away gratis with Metal Hammer Magazine, it’s pretty damn impressive! Current album “Speed Between The Lines” has got cover art reminiscent of the Arnold Schwarzenegger film

Riff Police! Pull Over! #38 Metallica Vs Gama Bomb!

Signed to AFM Records and hailing from both Newry and Dublin are Ireland’s finest Thrash Metal five piece since… ever. Gama Bomb have been laying down the gauntlet to all challengers for the past 16 years and with newly released “Speed Between The Lines” are showing no sign of any let up. “Zombie Blood Nightmare”

Bootleg: Gama Bomb at Old Grave Fest!

12th October will see Irish thrashers Gama Bomb release “Speed Between The Lines”. It will be their 6th studio album and appear via AFM Records. Pre-orders available here. To celebrate, here’s a full set from the band at 2016’s Old Ghost Fest V including their classic “Hell Trucker”.