Tag: Row of Ashes

NEWS: Ripcord Records help Papyrus once more!

Featuring cuts from no less than 101 bands from 22 countries across 4 continents, offering 11 hours of music in genres including Post-Rock, Post-Metal, Black Metal, Sludge and Screamo to name but a few, a second installment of the “You Matter” series from Scottish label Ripcord Records has surfaced. Including cuts by Turpentine Valley, Row

Listmania: New Years Day Honours List 2022!

Just before Gingerbread John McClane gets put back in his box for another year, it’s time said thank you to a few people for another fantastic year of Metal Noise. Breaking out of the lockdown of what we’ve affectionately called the plague years live shows were in full effect and we were able to bring

The Black Map #215: Row Of Ashes from London

Escaping Bristol and heading for the bright lights and streets paved in Gold of our capital city, while you throw down a couple of asprin and sip on an industrial strength coffee and wonder why you have a traffic cone in your bedroom it’s time we gave Row Of Ashes a short and yet sickly sweet