Tag: Traversing the Mephitic Artery

NEWS: Endless Loss admit to grave robbery!

Limited edition hand numbered compact disc or tape formats are the choices available via Nuclear Winter Records for the 25th March releasing “Traversing the Mephitic Artery” by Bestial Blackened Death Metal two piece Endless Loss. The Australians love to create music that is nothing short of brutally bludgeoning and psychotically violent with the album considered

NEWS: Endless Loss embrace the Vertiginous Depths Of Unchained Hedonism!

Nuclear Winter Records have announced cassettes and digi-sleeve compact discs limited to 400 hand-numbered copies for “Traversing the Mephitic Artery” by Australian Bestial Blackened Death Metal two-piece Endless Loss. A debut full length album with War Metal leanings, the promise is of 28 minutes of barbaric bloodshed as evidenced by 2022 EP “Bloodletting Narcotic Divination“.