Tag: Voluntary Mortification

Review: “This Present Darkness” by (Un)worthy

Riverside California is where Deathcore duo (Un)Worthy were born and raised, the playground of our nightmares being where they like to spend most of their days. Screaming at the sky they they shift tectonic plates, summoning demons from the abyss of darkness below in the process, rising to prominence with 2021 debut album “In The Face

Review: “Suffer To Rise” by Voluntary Mortification

They say that the first bite is with the eye and so for their debut album “Suffer To Rise” Lansing Michigan’s Voluntary Mortification have gone the extra mile and not only got Mohammed Anam (Evocator, A Templar’s Burden) to create the artwork but also got Josh Schroeder (Lorna Shore, Ghost Bath, Dagon) to produce and