Riff Police! Pull Over! #101: Meshuggah Vs Lamb Of God!

Sweden is home to an experimental Death Metal band who have become the Godfathers of DJent. Back in 1995 the now legendary Meshuggah wrote at Soundfront Studios one of the most important albums of their career. Combining elements of Progressive, Thrash, Groove and Avant-garde Metal they created in “Destroy Erase Improve” the first album that really defined their signature sound. Opening track “Future Breed Machine” being the epitome of the staccato riffs in off kilter time signatures with bone crunching percussive sounds that took the conventional and turned it on its head.

Five years later in the year 2000, Prosthetic Records unveiled the sophomore album from Lamb Of God. Entitled “New American Gospel“, it combines the speed Thrash riffs of Slayer with elements of Grindcore and Death Metal, and has an incredible drum sound that is just immense. The album that set the band on their way to joining the Metal high table, it’s as dark as it is a heavy and satisfying to listen to. But listening to the pair of albums there is no question that the riff from “Black Label” is influenced by “Future Breed Machine“. Mark Morton and Willie Adler have heard Fredrik Thordendal’s signature guitar work and let it get into their heads and who can blame them?

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