NEWS: Snakeblade share “When Kingdoms Collide”!
A one-man black metal band born in Vancouver Canada, Snakeblade have announced a debut album in “The Kingdom” that has a handful of guest solos from other Canadian musicians including Devan Howes of Kayas; Dylan Parker of Protosequence; Kyler Li and Matthew Pancoust of Truent and is introduced with the single “When Kingdoms Collide”. The album will drop on 31st July.
Mike Redston explains: “Snakeblade all came about during the Coronavirus lockdown. Searching for an escape from pandemic anxiety, I absorbed myself in this project and recorded an entire album in about one month. Like many people during this crazy year, I struggled with a lot of anxiety and depression. Snakeblade is my fun escape from all that. Snakeblade is where all my nerdiness gets released. I’m a big fan of fantasy, video games, RPG’s, all that shit. Songs on the upcoming album “The Kingdom” were heavily inspired by Lord of the Rings, The Witcher, Metal Gear Solid, and Dungeons and Dragons. The name Snakeblade actually comes from my first character in Dungeons and Dragons, which was a bugbear.”