Vs. Tuesday! Two Bands! One Song! Who Wins? FIGHT! Cardi B??!!

Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar aka American Rapper Cardi B is pretty damn controversial and lets face it, if it wasn’t for tales of being a stripper to fighting Nicki Minaj to her questionable lyrics and videos, we’re not sure anyone would give a… but when her track “WAP” landed with comedian Russell Brand asking if it was  “WAP: Feminist Masterpiece or Porn?” and people saying they loved it but wouldn’t like their daughters hearing it… lets just say curiosity killed the cat. So for s*** and giggles, here’s a Vs. Tuesday that is just for fun. Damn the haters.

Never did we see the day when Kris Xenopoulos, Slamming Death Metal guitarist for the likes of Vulvodynia, XavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoamndutroabcwapwaeiippohfffX, Nervectomy and Carnage Carinval would put a riff to a Cardi B track. But his recent collaborations with Misstiq have been a destructive joy to behold so when this music video appeared from the pair taking symphonic black metal over the original’s acapella, we just had to check it out. So that’s your Red Corner in today’s head to head. In the Blue Corner we had something hilarious that has subsequently been torn down. A shame, but with Misstiq now officially part of Earth Caller, we figured we’d leave the rest on show.

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