NEWS: Beyond Salvation await the “Aftermath”!

2020 has been something of a prolific year for Manchester Thrash crew Beyond Salvation. Going against the grain and recording everything in standard tunings, they have unleashed their third single of the year in “Aftermath“, which deals with our inner demons, with the psychological blocks that prevent us from having a fully happy life, with a sense of individual responsibility that, especially in these times, turns out to be crucial but absent. The track follows “Omen” and “Dead Behind The Eyes“, all of which are available over at bandcamp

Vocalist and guitarist Jon Pedley stated: “Aftermath is a song about suffering, reflection and liberation. Taking a hard look at oneself to realise that something is holding you back from who you truly should be. Making the stand to break away from this hold to then relish in the accomplishment and the demise of past demons. Over time I’ve found the lyrics to relate to different aspects of life… Personal rivalries, inner conflicts or a reflection on the struggle we as a society are now going through. I suppose as always with music the final interpretation is up to the listener.”


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