NEWS: Nobody seems life hiding in the shadows?

It’s a bold statement but the first and only single “Hellfire” taken from the forthcoming EP “Shadow Companions” by Nobody has arrived courtesy of Inverse Records. A dark folk record, it’s the work of multi instrumentalist and vocalist Tuomas Kauppinen and follows the brilliance that is “Neurotic Age” from last summer. That is an acoustic record with embellishments in guitar, bass and drums, so it leaves us to wonder what the 14th March offering will include. Pre-orders are available over at bandcamp.

Tuomas Kauppinen comments: “Hellfire is a Dostoyevskian journey into the minds of a secluded community that brainwashes its members into blind submission. The outside world considers their simple way of life as pacifist generally, even though underneath its surface the religious sect is rampant with domestic and sexual abuse, especially of women of all ages. Archbishop John is notorious within the community for his deviant desires and though he is feared and loathed, his role as the spiritual leader of the community gives him free reign to carry out his crimes

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