Review: “La Part Du Diable” by Maudiir
If you’re a fan of Deeply Confused, Tears for the Dead Gods or Progressive Thrash Metal outfit Trinity Blast then you will be familiar with the work of Maudiir without even knowing it. The one-man Blackened Thrash Metal project is the work of a mysterious figure known simply as F who has previously or is currently involved with all three of those projects. An outlet for observations on obedience and industrialization riddled with man-made waste, Maudiir means he doesn’t have to compromise water down his ideas with those of others. Starting with guitar, he works his way through each sullen track, adding drums, recording all the colorations and textures of the guitars, adding bass and finally writing the words, very often at the same time they are being recorded. The aura of the music is blended with lyrics about consumer society, religion, science going awry, addiction to technology and environmental decay, subjects that may be closer to our hearts than we realise…
…The follow up to first EP “Le Temps Peste”, a well received debut, “La Part du Diable” takes those foundations and builds upon them like a fire consuming a bone dry forest. The first thing of note is that the bass is heavier in the mix that it was previously and that helps to round out the sound and give it a more thunderous impact. Opening cut “Fracture” sounds like Megadeth in their prime with a raspy dry vocal perfectly balanced against a solid backdrop of Thrash riffs. That bass then bleeds through the guitars in the mix during “The Slumber“, a cut which has a greater somberness about it as it lyrically explores some of the ugly personality traits we have seen exposed in the year of the Great Plague. It benefits from sections of longer instrumental with a fine solo showing off some virtuoso abilities. There are a few more nostalgic touches in “The Fortunate Few” which has another rampant lead guitar part and solo while offering a modernisation of the 80’s Thrash sound with the rhythms. Little bursts of Black Metal drum patterns and corrosive vocals is what helps transform the beast and expose its true power as F depicts the World behind the sugar coating.
“Spirit of Sulphur” takes a more politically aware narrative as it dives headlong into acid spewing caustic vocals. The guitars are surprisingly bright in contrast however, exposing hints of Punk influences while using the bass as a rhythm guitar to solo over for an unexpectedly brilliant mid section. Again its the leads which shine through the black of “The Crowning Hour” like a burning funeral pyre against the night sky during a headbanging cut that you can’t help but want to continue once the end is reached. A fine example of how to put a solo project together, Maudiir has chosen the sound he wants and is developing it in some style while avoiding the trappings of self indulgence [7.5/8]
Track listing
- Fracture
- The Slumber
- The Fortunate Few
- Spirit of Sulfur
- The Crowning Hour
“La Part Du Diable” by Maudiir is out 19th February 2021 and will be available over at bandcamp