Tag: Le Temps Peste

NEWS: Maudiir return to roots with “Trematode”!

After three EPs in four years, Montréal Quebec Canadian Blackened Progressive Thrash one man project Maudiir have shared a new cut titled “Trematode“. An outlet for observations on obedience and industrialization riddled with man made waste for multi instrumentalist and vocalist Frédéric Bergeron, the long running project is an escape from his other commitments in

Review: “Soliloque” by Maudiir

“It’s not a linear EP; certainly not the same song repeated again and again. Open-minded people, step in. Those who have heard my past EPs will notice ‘Soliloque’ is different than ‘La Part du Diable’, which was also different than ‘Le Temps Peste’. I like to think that the overall production is getting better with

NEWS: Maudiir see her Ghost in the toxic cloud?

Having announced a third EP in four years set for 7th April in “Soliloque“ for 7th April with “L’Éloge du Cuivre”, one-man Blackened Thrash Army Maudiir (ex-Deeply Confused, Tears for the Dead Gods, Trinity Blast) has offered up a second piece of the puzzle in “Toxic Cloud“. Citing inspirations including the first Emperor album as well as

NEWS: Maudiir climbs from the grave with “L’Éloge du Cuivre”!

The one-man Blackened Thrash Army Maudiir (ex-Deeply Confused, Tears for the Dead Gods, Trinity Blast) is once again preparing for War with a third EP in four years set for 7th April in “Soliloque“. If his previous work and first single “L’Éloge du Cuivre” are anything to go by then Canadian has a collection of riff-driven

NEWS: Maudiir gives up the ghost?

After two well received EPs in “Le Temps Peste” and “La Part du Diable” released a year apart almost to the day, Montreal, Québec one man Blackened Thrash project Maudiir, an outlet for observations on obedience and industrialization riddled with man-made waste, has shared a second seemingly standalone single. Featuring Max Beausejour on drums the

NEWS: Maudiir claims Sid Vicious Was Innocent…

If you’re not familiar with the work of Maudiir then all you need to know is that he’s a seasoned musician and a one man Blackened Thrash Metal project that serves as an outlet for observations on obedience and industrialization riddled with man-made waste with a pair of well received EPs currently on our playlist.

Review: “Le Temps Peste” by Maudiir

Maudiir is a one-man Blackened Thrash solo project that serves as an outlet for observations on obedience and industrialization riddled with man-made waste that simply don’t fit into multi instrumentalist F’s other projects, having formerly been a member of Deeply Confused while currently being a member of Tears for the Dead Gods and leading Progressive

Review: “La Part Du Diable” by Maudiir

If you’re a fan of Deeply Confused, Tears for the Dead Gods or Progressive Thrash Metal outfit Trinity Blast then you will be familiar with the work of Maudiir without even knowing it. The one-man Blackened Thrash Metal project is the work of a mysterious figure known simply as F who has previously or is

NEWS: Maudiir awakes from “The Slumber”?

The rising Blackened Thrash tide knows now bounds with solo project Maudiir the latest in a long line to call the genre his own. Taking advantage of complete creative control and effortlessly moving between styles, adding infusions of punk, focused guitar solos and clean production to the classic black metal vocals and chunky bass riffs,