Riff Police! Pull Over! #144: Wrath Vs Laaz Rockit!
How this next pair of bands will be remembered by their fans is a curiousity. Chicago Illinois Thrash act Wrath dropped arguably their finest hour in “Nothing To Fear” back in 1987 and despite a three year hiatus have since gone on to deliver further four albums covering subjects of society and war. Album opening cut “Ripped To Pieces” often sees obvious comparisons with Megadeth as Golwitzer’s mirror shattering vocals stand up to the straightforward and yet catchy Speed Thrash Metal riffathon. They can count among their fans Laaz Rockit, who despite the Dutch name were from Berkeley California. Their fourth studio album “Annhilation Principle” was their second for an emerging Roadrunner Records in 1989 and the final album to be inked by what is considered their classic line up. If you check out the opening track “Fire In The Hole“, the music video for which got a decent amount of airplay on MTV’s Headbangers Ball, them you’ll see why, as it seems Scott Nyquist and Mike Nyrkkanen delivered some subliminal verses to the minds of opposing axe weilding duo Phil Kettner and Aaron Jellum. Nothing like a bit of hero worship is there?