NEWS: Arhat let freedom ring with a shotgun blast?

Ethnic Groove Metal act Arhat who hail from Ukraine may have formed in 2017 from a collection of seasoned musicians but it took them 3 years to be able to release their debut album “Dead Life“. That’s part of the problem of being perfectionists; you want everything to be right and that takes time. If you missed it, it comes recommended, as does their freshly unveiled music video for “Freedom” as a reference point…

The band comment: “We are Arhat and we present a music video for the song Freedom from our debut album Dead Life, which was released in December 2020. We chose it not by chance, we consider this song iconic. Freedom is the most valuable thing. This is what we have at the genetic level. Without freedom, any thing is worthless. But at the same time, freedom is everything. Freedom to choose, to be who you are, to live by your own rules.

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