NEWS: Godhead Machinery drop “Orbis Non Sufficit”!

The rising force in Swedish Blackened Death Metal, Godhead Machinery, a band who rise to prominence over two critically acclaimed albums and only released an EP in “Masquerade Among Gods” at the end of June have announced a new album for the end of November. The record will once again see Polish blast-machine Krzysztof Klingbein (Avatar of Hate, Resurrection, Rituals) as a session musician gracing the drum stool and continue the bands analysis of the ongoing greed and corruption that swallows all that can be eaten in this World. Pre-orders for the seven track affair are available over at bandcamp.

The band comment: “Hidden between the sacred and the damned, an essence both fierce and fair in its duality. It’s in this essence the subjective concept of good and evil can be exposed and revealed. Only by colliding harmony with dissonance can we create the necessary depth in our art, and therefore, our way of life. ‘Monotheistic Enslavement’ doesn’t stand by itself as a conceptual album but should rather be considered as a result of our evolvement. A step further from Godhead’s light and therefore a step closer to the liberation that lies beyond the illuminated path. The creative forces within the band have increased during these times of global pandemic. Blessed by the curse has the sun fallen into eclipse and ones again revealed its true self. Newly acquired revelations during this period is ‘Monotheistic Enslavement. Orbis Non Sufficit!”

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