NEWS: Snakeblade meets his destiny?

…with the extended version of their Game Of Thrones inspired sophomore album “The Curse” currently circulating, Vancouver British Columbia Canadian solo project Snakeblade have shared the version of “Destiny” that closes the chapter. Unlike the introduction piece that leads into the album title track, this version consists of a trio of movements and approaches the seven minute mark with consummate ease, providing the kind of epic grandeur that is befitting of the Black meets Power Metal offering. If you missed it, you can find it over at bandcamp.

Snakeblade comments: “Lyrically, The Curse is somewhat of a concept album revolving around Game of Thrones. I say ‘somewhat’ because as I began writing, the initial inspiration from GOT started mixing with my own experiences. What came out is a melting pot of nerdy fantasy shit plus my own personal shit. GOT plot lines of The Red Woman, Stannis Baratheon, and the Lord of Light religion meet my own personal plot lines of betrayal and rage. All in all, The Curse is both deeply nerdy and deeply emotional. It was a long, pain-staking process making this thing. I hope you enjoy my first full length album, The Curse

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