Exclusive Interview: Veska talk “Unbound”!

“Born of a vision of a world truly free, Unbound offers a path to liberation from the shackles placed upon us from birth. Be it spiritual or mundane, we are all to an extent bound by the delusions of the world around us. Unbound brings to the forefront that we have the power to break our chains and free ourselves. We need not seek any saving grace, for the strength to free ourselves lies within. Delve in and let Unbound guide you down your own path to truth” ~ Veska

The Eagle eyed among you, our lovely readers – as well as Veska fans – will have noticed that this interview starts with the same quote that our review of “Unbound” began with and one which also accompanies the record on bandcamp. The reason for that is simple. It is the perfect explanation of the album in a nutshell from the artist himself, as well as being one that fits like a glove on a hand of a murderer. Accompanied by artwork from Rotting Reign the record is the brainchild of B. Bisceglia, a prolific Pennsylvanian Independent American Black Metal solo artist…

What makes an American wish to turn their hand to the kind of music that is usually found in frostbitten Scandinavian countries? “I’ve always been drawn to the Scandinavian sound when it comes to metal in general, and specifically black metal…the whole scene is great and it’s awesome that so many Americans are also gravitating towards it”

You’ve been nothing short of prolific with a couple of standalone tracks, a pair of EPs and a full length album titled “To Witness Death” since you started in May 2021; what’s the driving force behind that desire to create? “Honestly it feels like an addiction sometimes. Its only been recently that I’ve been able to pace myself a bit better. Earlier on I was releasing things as fast as I could write and record them (and in my opinion it shows) – so I’m glad that I’ve learned to calm down a little bit while still nurturing the desire to create consistently”

Going forward do you think the project will remain in the studio or do you harbor ambitions of fleshing out a full band for live performances? “I am actually in the middle of expanding Veska to a full band. I’d love to take the music to a live setting.”

If we are made up of our genes and our influences, what is in your genes and who would you consider your influences? “I have quite the long list of influences… but in general I’ve been greatly influenced by bands like Watain, Children of Bodom, Young and in the Way, Martyrdod, Paradise Lost, Uada, Wolves in the Throne Room, Gorgoroth… there are a lot more but those are a few”

The release of “Unbound” came with a message about seeking freedom from the shackles that bind; has Veska given you the freedom that you seek? “I like to think it has! Having this project as a creative outlet without limitations is certainly a freeing experience”

What’s next for Veska? “The next several months to a year will be focused on expanding Veska to a full band and taking the music out of the shadows and onto the stage. In the meantime I will of course still be working on new material. Whether or not that new material is released as a solo act or not remains to be seen…”

Unbound” by Veska is out now and available over at bandcamp

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