NEWS: Genus Ordinis Dei fear the new God?

A third of four conjoined music videos that complete part of the story of “The Beginning“, the fourth studio album from Symphonic Death Metal band Genus Ordinis Dei has aired in “For A New God“. A concept record described as “redefining the way we listen to music and process cinematic theater“, it is slated for an 8th December unveiling via Eclipse Records…

Guitarist & producer Tommy Monticelli comments: “For this epic fight scene between The Brother and the Strongest Cannibal, we decided to film at Po’s Beach and Gombito’s Beach in Italy. Along the marshy beaches The Sister is captured by one of the two Cannibals and The Brother will have to face the strongest cannibal in a fight to the death. This is the most heartbreaking piece of the entire opera. A tribute to the bond between two siblings that, when the broken and destroyed voice of the brother is heard, makes it reverberate like thunder. It as a fantastic experience to film a bare-knuckle fight, simulating all the strength and power of a clash between men who are more like wild beasts than civilized humans. The tremendous scene with the boulder is certainly the highest moment of the episode’s climax. In For A New God you can then see all the skill of our two makeup artists (Valentina & Beatrice) in recreating wounds, cuts and bleeding using their incredible props and SFX

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