NEWS: Necrodeath get Mesmerized by Celtic Frost!
This time last month Italian label Time To Kill Records announced that having already issued a very well received tribute to Discharge, they had let Schizo founding member Alberto Penzin put together “Mesmerized – A Tribute to Celtic Frost”. The compilation of covers unites six bands with Italian Blackened Thrash masters Necrodeath being the first to see their cut escape the grave. That would be “Necromantical Screams” with 26th January 2024 the date on the tombstone…
The band comment: “When we play a song by another band, we always try to put our own twist to it. While respecting the structure of the song, we like to experiment with the arrangements in order to bring the music closer to our style. Of course Celtic Frost always had a unique sound so this job was not so simple and obvious.
The pre-production phase was very intense and first involved Peso and then both Pier and GL, before giving Flegias the freedom to express himself as he wanted. We are very happy with the final result and hopefully our fans will love it too”.
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