Playthrough: “Renaissance” from Dissona!

Chicago Illinois Progressive Metal outfit Dissona have allowed drummer Drew Goddard out of the basement to record a playthrough video for “Renaissance” from their Blade Runner character exploration EP “Dreadfully Distinct“. Known for their adventurous, demanding, intense, mystical, and emotionally rich music, the band actually have a full album recorded and waiting in the wings…

The band comments on the theme: “’Renaissance’ features the distinctive vocals of David Dubenic, who poignantly raises the intriguing question that lingers throughout the Blade Runner narrative: “Is Deckard human or replicant?” The track captures the urgency of his heated escape from LA with Rachael as it builds, with Deckard’s inner turmoil reflected in his repeated pleas to his own psyche. The song delves into Deckard’s dreams, fears, and ultimately, his confrontation with his own reality.”

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