Playthrough: “Befouler” from Ov Sulfur!

Who in their right mind actually thought that Century Media would be signing Deathcore bands of various flavours over the past couple of years? And yet they have been seriously successful… One of those bands is American Blackened outfit Ov Sulfur, whose drummer Leviathvn plays through “Befouler” from the bands album “The Burden Ov Faith“, a cut which of course features Alex Terrible from Slaughter To Prevail.

Drums: Mapex MyDentity Custom Maple Toms: 10″ 12″ 14″ 16″
Snare: Ludwig Black Magic 13×7″
Kick drum is completely sample replaced Cymbals: all Meinl.
(left to right drummer’s perspective)
15″ Meinl Pure Alloy Custom HiHats
18″ Meinl Classics Custom Dark Trash Crash
8″ & 10″ Meinl Classics Custom Dark Splashes
18″ Meinl Classics Custom Dark Crash
14″ Meinl Classics Custom Dark Hi Hats
20″ Meinl Pure Alloy Custom Medium Crash
22″ Meinl Soundcaster Custom Mega Bell Ride (Discont.)
18″ Meinl Classics Custom Trash China

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