NEWS: Existentialist map out 2024 shows!
Purveyors of Blackened Death Metal hailing from the deepest, darkest recesses of Essex that are Existentialist have outlined their shows for the rest of 2024. Signed to Seek & Strike Records, the band, who also dabble in Technical Deathcore, will celebrate a year of their album “The Heretic” at the end of April before paying tribute to Beyond Extinction guitarist Zach Scott on 17th August at his memorial show.
18/04 The Hot Box, Chelmsford
04/05 Southwest Heavyfest, Bridgewater
17/05 Little Buildings, Newcastle
18/05 The Flapper, Birmingham
19/05 The Old Sal, Nottingham
01/06 Rebellion, Manchester
17/08 Camden Underworld, London
31/08 Depravation Festival, Swindon
14/09 The Grove, Newcastle
17/09 Rebellion, Manchester
18/09 The Flapper, Birmingham
19/09 The Holroyd Arms, Guildford
20/09 The Six Six, Cambridge
21/09 Bearcave, Bournemouth
22/09 Brickmakers, Norwich
03/11 Rabidfest, Oxford
29/11 Beyond The Grave Festival, London