NEWS: Adelon premier “Fleshless Vertebrae”!

Progressive Technical Death Metal from Lausanne Switzerland is on the way to our ear drums courtesy of Adelon who have debut EP “Resurgence” set for a 21st July arrival. Somehow they’ve managed to convince Bastian Köhli that a saxophone solo belongs on the records opening cut “Fleshless Vertebrae” and so the band have chosen it as a second single. Pre-orders are available over at bandcamp.

“Working on this EP has been a wild and exciting journey for the band. Bringing these four songs to life has been a pleasure, and we can’t wait to share them with you. We aimed to pay homage to the bands that shaped us while offering our own take on the Tech/Death genre. Lyrically, ‘Resurgence’ delves into themes of facing changes and overcoming hardship, whether related to mental health or environmental degradation.” ~ Quentin Landolt, Guitar & Synth

Adelon is a prime example of a young band that emerges unexpectedly and pushes the envelope for the entire genre. What these guys achieve on ‘Resurgence’ is stunning. Musicianship, variety, surprise factor – it’s all there.” – Alex Sedin, Producer, Mix & Master

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