Review: “Only One Mode” by Speed

There are highly anticipated records and then there is “Only One Mode” from Australian Hardcore crew Speed, a band who have been tearing up the US like a tornado with their EP “Gang Called Speed” and become a global phenomenon in the process. After all, there can’t be that many bands who have made such progress without a debut album in to demonstrate their prowess. Put simply, they play Hardcore hard and fast with a “for us, by us” approach, doing what they do for the love of their friends, family and the culture of Australian hardcore. So while the spotlight shines like an FBI interrogation spotlight upon them at this moment in time, they remain grounded…

Rushing out of the gate with urgency “Real Life Love” is a two steppers delight, gang chanted vocal parts and Metallic Hardcore riffs flying in all directions as vocalist Jem Siow calls out the fakes, frauds and imposters with a sharp tongued lyrical narrative that it’s impossible not to resonate with. Continuing to draw influence from old school acts like Biohazard and Merauder just as much as bands and peers like Trapped Under Ice as they did with their last record with an if it ain’t broke don’t fix it attitude, the overall sound hasn’t changed all that much but it does feel like there is a renewed level of aggression here. “Don’t Need” is very much a lyrical continuation of the opening cut with a chunky breakdown overlayed by whammy bar action which is classy as the band go downtempo in the final moments. Innovative kit work from Kane Vardon gives “No Love But For Our Own” another dimension in the first half before a bass drive from Aaron Siow after a cleverly executed false ending is the knock out blow from a third back to back killer cut.

Only Foes…” then offers up a 69 second burst of intensity with those 90’s Hardcore flavours sprinkled all over it and is on par with the best of bands like Stick To Your Guns. “The First Test” could easily be renamed “Say F*** The Rest” and has the harshest of starts, again flipping the script as if to a new track at the mid point as it slides into a groovy breakdown section which will put a smile on the face of even the most hardened Hardcore kid. Defying traditional song structures becomes less of an issue when the songs are short and fast, the band not afraid to throw down a single hard hitting verse and then get rowdy with their instruments later on, which in turn breathes new life into the music and keeps things fresh. Putting bounce in the mosh pit “Kill Cap” gets funky with a bass solo, razor sharp riffs lacing the target like a laser to guide Jem Siow’s vocal missiles as he annihilates the target before the Hardcore Punk infused 80 second banger of “Send Them 2 Sydney” takes over. It’s not about what the sparce lyrics say but what they don’t as the menacing riffs threaten to insight violence.

The energy is electric as “Shut It Down” begins with a 9 second single verse before false ending into another full track, staccato riff breaks from Josh Clayton and Dennis Vichidvongsa hitting like hammers to the skull. A couple of clean vocal parts pushed down in the mix are an interesting chess move, calculated to offer another dynamic without breaking from their core sound. Taking the talk isn’t the same as walking the walk and with an axe to grind, the band bring out “I Mean It” which backs up their words with actions as they stay true to the scene. A punchy number that balances off the bands sound perfectly while playing with tempo changes, it’s going to go down a storm live. Given the honour of being the longest cut on the record at three minutes and twenty five seconds “Caught In A Craze” is another mosh pit friendly banger from Sydney’s finest export. Now it’s time to bring in the clichés one at a time. A debut album that fulfils the potential and promise of their previous convictions that captures their live energy perfectly “Only One Mode” is simply an all killer no filler record from a band in their element. They haven’t re-invented the wheel because they don’t need to, instead delivering all the elements they’ve heard from what influences and peers with class, confidence, verve and swagger. It doesn’t get much better than this [9/10]

Track Listing

  1. Real Life Love
  2. Don’t Need
  3. No Love But For Our Own
  4. Only Foes…
  5. The First Test
  6. Kill Cap
  7. Send Them 2 Sydney
  8. Shut It Down
  9. I Mean It
  10. Caught In A Craze

Only One Mode” by Speed is out on 12th July 2024 via Flatspot Records and is available over at bandcamp.

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