NEWS: HILD claim to coin “Violent Swedish Metal” as their own!

Themes of battle and struggle, centered around the Valkyries in Norse mythology is what you can expect come the 4th October when Black Lion Records distribute “Thrash På Svenska” (or “Thrash In Swedish“) from HILD. Led by Lars Broddesson (formerly of Marduk and as session musician in Funeral Mist, among other notable projects), the band operating under the slogan “Violent Swedish Metal“, channelling raw and straightforward energy that leaves no prisoners. Some will call it Blackened Death Thrash but there are also hints of Crust Punk and Hardcore as “En Dag Ska Jag Svälja Solen” (or “One Day I’ll Swallow the Sun“) demonstrates. Pre-orders are available over at bandcamp.

Here’s the track listing, translated for those non Swedish speakers amongst you…

1. Vigrid (Visa från vedervärdiga vidder) (or “Vigrid (View from respectable expanses)”)
2. En Väv av Intet (or “A Web of Nothingness“)
3. Varm Så Länge Hjärtat Slår (or “Warm As Long as the Heart Beats“)
4. Som En Horas Piss (or “Like a Horse’s Piss“)
5. Hugg Där Det Smärtar Som Mest (or “Hit where it hurts the most“)
6. Kvinnokroppen Krälande (or “The female body Crawling“)
7. Hjadningavig (or “Hiding averse“)
8. Framåt!!! (or “Forward!!!“)
9. Liksväljaren (or “The Juror“)
10. Lukten Av Kristet Blod (or “The smell of Christ’s blood“)
11. Hänrycket är det Enda Sättet Att Leva (or “Rapture is the Only Way to Live“)
12. En Dag Ska Jag Svälja Solen (or “One Day I’ll Swallow the Sun“)

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