NEWS: Crawling Chaos seek an omen…
An anthology-based work centred around a series of archetypes connected to the concepts of destiny, fate and becoming, concept album “Wyrd” from Crawling Chaos will find its way to our eardrums via Time To Kill Records on 28th March. A second single in “Nomen Omen” has arrived from the Melodic Death Metal act with a narrative thread that weaves together some of the most fascinating female figures from classical mythology, European folklore, and history said to develop across the record. These include the Norse Norns, the witches from Macbeth serving Hecate, the Greco-Roman Furies and the fearsome Thessalian necromancers.
The band commented: “‘Nomen Omen’ is the only track on the album that doesn’t focus on a female figure. The protagonist is Judas Iscariot, who, from his point of view, narrates his desperate realization of how the betrayal of Jesus Christ was necessary for the salvation of humanity through the inevitable outcome of the crucifixion. Thus, he comes to understand that he is merely a pawn of History, trapped and pulled by the strings of fate (the wyrd) or – even worse – by a despicable God who has cynically sentenced him to eternal damnation merely to accomplish His own purposes. His name thus becomes synonymous with ‘betrayer’, a meaning that, in the logic of predestination, he carried from birth. A name, a destiny: Nomen Omen, indeed”.