NEWS: Exision smash their ship upon the shore!
A third single in “Haaksirikko” (or “Shipwreck“) has been thrown as a life ring into the choppy waters of the Baltic Sea surrounding Finland by Alternative Groove Metal band Exision. 20th February will see their second studio album “Uhreina Ajassa“ (or “As Victims in Aja“) appear via Inverse Records and if you missed the news, it features not one but two guest vocal appearances. The first, “Persona Non Grata”, sees them joined by Garden of Stone vocalist Jesse Salo and the second “Pimeyden Aallot” (or “Waves of Darkness“) features Sirkku-Sisko Kostamo. Pre-orders are available over at bandcamp
The band comments: “As the ship runs aground or the crew is swept overboard by a rogue wave, remember the words of Kari Tapio: “After the storm, there is a calm”. Whether it is a serene summer day or death; silence awaits.”