The Black Map #192: Trench Foot from Liverpool!
First described during the retreat of Napoleon Bonaparte’s army from Russia in 1812 and rife in soldiers in the first World War, Trench Foot is a painful condition of the feet caused by long immersion in cold water or mud and marked by the blackening ans death of the surface tissue of the feet associated with Tench warfare but also effecting the improvrished homeless…
…as nasty as frostbite but smelling worse, it’s a perfect choice for the kind of gore that multi instrumentalist Joe Bradley has in store for the human race with old school Death Metal solo project. Hailing from Liverpool the work of Tench Foot has the flavour of tape traded affairs while being full of the kind of putrid filth you might expect from a low budget horror film. Inspired by the New York style as well as Swedish blood splatters, his work is chug heavy with tremolo picking and sinister atmospheres with rasping, almost ghostly groaned vocals that send chills down the spine. All that is missing from debut EP “Sacraficial Gore” is the man who plays all the strings like a master puppeteer is human drumming. Oh and he has a split with Body Asphyxiation Science that harbours “The Disemboweller“. Comparisons with Pestilence and Twitch Of The Death Nerve are on point and if he can add more flesh to the bones then a trip to Maryland Death Fest could be on the tarot cards…