Rabidfest 2022: Breaking Down The Bands #5: Sin Dweller!

What better place to make your live debut that on the Devolution Magazine sponsored main stage at The Bullingdon in Oxford as part of this year’s incarnation of Rabidfest? That is what the wicked hand of fate has in store for instrumental Deathcore collective Sin Dweller, a band announced to an unsuspecting World via Social Media in January with the ominous statement “We fear no thing. No man. The only thing that we fear is that which lives inside us. The ones controlling us. For the day of reckoning is upon us all“.

Despite the mystery, February saw the arrival of the first single “Keres“, introducing the band with a sample about the impending end of mankind before swaithes of downtempo chug and errie synths create the perfect low budget horror movie score before throwing down some tasteful leads. April 1st saw “final” single “Abhor” land, an April fool’s joke as evil as the laughter of Satan himself and front loaded with stuccato riff breaks and downtempo nuances as the band continue their infestation with another low budget cut that you may well find on cassette in the not too distant future…

The Festival will take place at The Bullingdon in Oxford over the weekend of 5th and 6th November with first 14 bands announced! Tickets and further info available here!

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