NEWS: Stick To Your Guns unearth another diamond?

Directed by Adam VillaSeñor (In Full Bloom) and starring Fernanda Andrade (Moon Knight, Let The Right One In, Narcos: Mexico), a music video for the title track of the upcoming new Stick To Your Guns album “Keep Planting Flowers” has premiered via label home SharpTone Records. The album from the American Hardcore Punks drops on 10th January and we’re hoping that some of the “Diamond” anniversary tour run thrills have influenced it.

Guitarist Josh James comments: “Over the last few years, we really stripped Stick To Your Guns down to the simplest and purest form of expression. With the band, we’re lucky to have an outlet for everything—whether it be our frustrations, anxieties, and problems or the things we love and care about. It’s a beautiful part of life.

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