Tag: Familiar Spirt

NEWS: Nexilva & Strains co-headlining Weekender!

Sunderland Progressive Death Metallers Nexvila have announced a trio of dates with Strains. The band are supporting current release “Aseity: I” which is out now! There are an array of quality support bands on each of the bills so well worth checking out! 31/10 Manchester, Satan’s Hollow (Strains only) 1/11 Sheffield, Mulberry Tavern 2/11 Southampton,

NEWS: 3rd November London Half-dayer!

Saturday 3rd November will see a half-dayer at The Lounge in Camden with Nexilva, Strains, Harbinger, Itself Timeless, Sphinx and Familiar Spirit (debut show!) on the bill. That’s 6 bands for £10 at Camden’s newest venue! What more could you possibly want! It’s a deal, it’s a steal, it’s the sale of the Metal century!