Tag: Queens Of The Stoneage

Review: “Vacuumed Half To Deaf” by Plants

An explosively energetic Punk Rock trio based in Sydney New South Wales, Plants are the kind of band who pull the pin out before handing you a grenade just for s***s and giggles, creating music with an Aussie sense of humour that falls between Blink 182 and My Latest Failure. They made their debut with

NEWS: Classic horror with “Snowblood” from Erra!

Birmingham Alabama Technical Progressive Metalcore quintet Erra have returned with new single “Snowblood“, 9 months after their double A side 7” vinyl cover of the Queens Of The Stone Age classic “You Think I Ain’t Worth A Dollar But I Feel Like A Millionaire” and original cut “Eye of God“. This new track conjurers classic

Review: “Projections” EP by Litost

Formed of Multi-instrumentalist John Rackowski and vocalist Matt Smith calling themselves Litost (pronounced “lee-toast”) are a duo who recorded and released “Colony” in April with 1700 miles between them and not meeting in person until it was completed. They’ve put their heads together to create a covers EP that takes in artists from as far

NEWS: Erra join the Dessert Sessions?

In a surprise move with “Neon” still being a fresh release, Erra have shared a second non album single though Sumerian Records. Whether that means a deluxe version of the album is on th way, if these are just stand alone tracks or if they’re left over from the “Neon” recording sessions remains to be

Review: “Neon Devil” by Doc Hammer

San Diego Hardcore Punks Doc Hammer have returned with “Neon Devil”, 12 songs to inspire some serious drinking! The opening 10 seconds of it might make you think you’re listening to a classic rock release from Aerosmith or something before it bursts into life like a Motorcycle hitting the freeway and letting the throttle out.