Interview: Harrison Cook from Reclaimer!

In the second of our exclusive interview series from Upsurge Festival this past weekend, we spoke to none other than Harrison Cook, vocalist from Lincoln melodic hardcore quintet Reclaimer! Having released their debut EP “Same Hell, Different Devils” in December 2016, the band returned earlier this summer with new single “Chapter II”.

It was fantastic meeting you at Upsurge Festival! How was your experience?

I thoroughly enjoyed it, saw some bands I’ve been meaning to see live and discovered some new bands that I really enjoyed! Also meeting new people and catching up with friends was really nice too!

You stepping up to the microphone for a verse of “Choke” with Counterparts was class! How did that come about?

So I was talking to Brendan [Murphy, Counterparts frontman] for a while about the Zine he did with Trey Hales called fresh cut flowers. I just mentioned that I’d be at Upsurge, so if there was any chance of doing some guesties and he just sent me a set list to pick from! So I was totally stoked, but also bricking it a bit, ’cause I’ve been a huge fan of Counterparts for a long time and didn’t want to f’ it up!

Amazing stuff! So, after single “Chapter II”, what have ben got to look forward to from Reclaimer?

We’ll be heading into the studio in September, recording some new songs and a few runs [of dates] over October and November! We’ve also got some big things planned for next year, but it’s too early to give anymore information!

You’ve landed a slot playing your home town of Lincoln with Borders on Martyr Defiled’s farewell tour. You must be stoked for that?

It’s crazy! Kind of full circle for me personally as I played my first ever show with Martyr Defiled at the ripe old age of 13! Been a big fan of them for years and coming from the same city as us they were a huge inspiration for me to pursue a career in the music industry.

We’ll be sure as to catch you up with you in September, get the low down on those tracks and get out to one of those shows!

That’ll be sick man! I look forward to it!

“Same Hell, Different Devils” by Reclaimer is out now, you can pick up a copy over at bandcamp. If you fancy snapping up single “Chapter II”, it’s available on Amazon.
If you’re interested in the “Fresh Cut Flowers” Art Zine of poetry from Counterparts Brendan Murphy and Trey Hales, it’s available at Big Cartel.

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