Review: “Peace In Our Time” EP by Frantic State

Taking their inspiration from the London and New York Hardcore scenes and infusing the styles like their own blend of tea to create their own sound are Leicester Hardcore mob Frantic State. Recorded at Studio 6 in Swindon and Mixed and Mastered by Stu Mckay, “Peace In Our Time” is the bands fourth EP since their 2017 self titled debut, if you count their Dougy Turnbull recorded live release!

Crossing over between Hardcore and Thrash, “Down On My Luck” is an instantly headbangable affair with frontman Will McLaughlan screaming in sheer terror, needing to get back to where he wants to be and finding the inner strength. The gallop of riffs and swirling storm of kit work is masterfully done and gets things off the ground like a Harrier Jump Jet. “No Love Lost” has that click-y Sick Of It All bass sound, progressively getting faster as it plays out. Will McLaughlan mixes up the vocals with some screamed, some sung and some very wordy rap esq flow hitting hard. The classic gang chant is a proper moment. “Fair Weather Friends” isn’t a new song but a re-recorded version of the track that appears at the end of their self titled debut. A classic Biohazard inspired cut about separating the real from the fakes, it captures the bands live energy perfectly with some of the best vocals on the EP. The “Bleigh!” during a downtempo groove breakdown that brings it to a close absolute class. The interlude “Eden Undone” is a 70 second atmospheric instrumental that features downtuned guitar and sets a dark done and closes with feedback that brings in the title track perfectly. Breaking the chains of its introduction “Peace In Our Time” rages in with both fists swinging. Using the gang chant as the title of the song as a chorus and allowing Will McLaughlan to rip up the script with the verses, it’s a real lesson in violence for any aspiring Hardcore bands. Insightful lyrics delivered in venomous style against a high energy backdrop with no prisoners taken [7/10]

Track listing

  1. Down On My Luck
  2. No Love Lost
  3. Fair Weather Friends
  4. Eden Undone (Interlude)
  5. Peace In Our Time

“Peace In Our Time” by Frantic State is out now via Guillotine Records and available over at bandcamp

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