NEWS: Of Concrete Gods turn to the “Good Samaritan”?

Having premiered their debut single “Obsidian” six months ago but curtailed activities due to a lack of live shows, Luton residents Of Concrete Gods have returned with a Sludge Metal classic in “Good Samaritan“. The studio version of a song previously performed live, the quintet captured that fury of that live performance like lightning in a bottle here.

Vocalist, Nik Scott remarks about the track: “Musically, we felt that the end of 2020 needed a swift hard punch in the face, so that’s what we aimed for, and we really had fun at Signal House Studios trying to make it sound as dark as we could. Lyrically it’s about dishonesty and duplicity. As a society, we have a tendency to lean towards the easy lie rather than the hard truth. This is true of our relationships, our friendships, and our politics. Hiding behind the lie allows us to tell ourselves we are Good Samaritans, and not admit our failings.”

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