Review: “Sauna” by Mirzadeh
A band hailing from frozen land of Alajärvi in Finland who celebrated 20 years together with a new EP in “Sauna“, Mirzadeh have had a sporadic history with often years between gigs and albums, however with each return that have proven their quality. Despite an appearance at Kaamos Metal Festival in 2016, you have to go back to 2014 for the bands last studio work, “Desired Mythic Pride“, an absolute beast of a record crossing mid-tempo Melodic Death Metal with both Black and Folk Metal influences. Lyrics are mostly based on Finnish mythology and local history with the myths of Kalevala frequently referenced.
As an EP, “Sauna” continues in the same vein with some Blackened Death Metal riffs and the throat splitting vocals from Mirox offering a banshee’s cry to the four winds of the apocalypse during “Rotten Sights“. The spoken word passage is a touch of evil that accompany the haunting synths and the melodic chorus is surprisingly catchy. Diving then into the Folk influences “When the Deep Silence Signs” becomes a full epic tale that sounds like it belongs beside the camp fire while still having galloping percussive moments from which bands like Accursed Years can take inspiration. The contrasting styles within a single track form is testament to the musicianship of the band and the transitions are not only seamless but completely natural. Switching to their native tongue for “Valakea” which has some icy synths and is strangely reminiscent of Dark Tranquillity is a masterstroke as the lyrics are better suited to the language and the musical soundscape that surrounds it is majestic, a mournful Melodic Death Metal moment of angelic splendor. “The Birth of the World” the throws us into more Black Metal influenced affair, the dark gutteral roars cutting an opposing contrast to the warm synths. A couple of vocal moments creep in but fortunately they don’t spoil the affair as there is no slowdown in the waves of music for them. What we’re left with is something that cuts a mournful and meloncholic atmosphere while still having those blistering moments we all love. Mirox returns to dry raspy vocal style for “Sauna” that sounds gloriously hideous against the backdrop of the bands continuing melodies and overall the EP is an epic rousing reminder of just how good Mirzadeh can be [7.5/10]
Track listing
- Rotten Sights
- When the Deep Silence Signs
- Valakea
- Birth of the World
- Sauna
“Sauna” by Mizadeh is out now via Inverse Records and is available over at bandcamp.