Review: “Language Of The Warrior” by Rising Sun

Sometimes a new cut from a band slaps you in the face like a giant wet Salmon and makes you go back and check out their previous material in advance of a new album. In a nutshell that’s what happened when we heard “Archons Of Death” from Edmonton Alberta Canadians Rising Sun. Originally an old school Thrash act, they have evolved into a Progressive Thrash monster who promise moments of Technical Death with a hint of Jazz Progressive Metal together with that original sound on their upcoming 2023 album “Quest for Absolution”. So we’re going back to 2019’s “Language Of The Warrior“ to find out what it’s all about…

Getting off to an electric start with hints of Megadeth influence in the raspy snarling vocal style, the rampaging opening cut in “Alpha 1” then name drops Metallica while harking back to that 80’s Bay Area Californian Thrash sound in a fast and loose fashion. Sounding like the band are playing in their rehearsal space, the opener is a cut that could easily be retitled “Maximum Overdrive“, front loaded with racing leads at a thousand miles an hour alongside that make for that instant headbang appeal. Following suit in a little less chaotic fashion  “Breaching Liberty” fly’s through the air with the greatest of speed with the bands trademark incendiary energy. A few death growls thrown in for good measure add darkness before the incredible extended face melting solo which is just sublime. How they can play this fast without it sounding like a train wreck just blows the mind. A little bit more raw around the edges in terms of the quality of the recording “Language Of The Warrior” brings back the gang chant as it once again reaches a hundred miles an hour, the breakneck speed of it making it impossible to see how they could squeeze out an extra five percent live. If there are circle pits then there is no opportunity to breathe in these songs, cardio training is mandatory before attending. The fact that is rough round the edges gives it that feel of the tape trading days, only serving to add to the charm, making up for the lack of decent microphones with verve and swagger. You can feel the energy pouring out of this, it’s as infectious as an STD [7.5/10]

Track Listing

  1. Alpha 1
  2. Breaching Liberty
  3. Language Of The Warrior

Language Of The Warrior” by Rising Sun is out now and is available over at bandcamp

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