Exclusive Interview: Majin talk “District Violet”, covers and Dreadworm!

Having recently released a slab of mighty fine Nu-Metalcore tinged Deathcore in “District Violet“, we got talking to Majin vocalist Sam Walley about the evolution of their World. They’ve come a long way since 2020’s debut EP “Warpath” with line up changes, waterfall single releases and covers slowly terraforming the planet to their blueprint. More recently they have taken a step back from the live show side to focus on making content and music and releasing it consistently, the band now being a two piece as he is joined by guitarist, producer and song writer Jack Boulton…

Having waterfall released a collection of singles in and around the release of new EP “District Violet” how have you found the reaction to your music so far? You must feel a huge sense of pride when you look at the Spotify statistics and see your music has surpassed 200k of total streams for a band only four years old? “It’s been an amazing and rewarding process. We’ve been working on District Violet for a while, refining mixes and swapping out tracks for others to make it what it is today. We really put our all into this record, so to see it resonating with our audience is something we’re really grateful for.”

You’re recognised for your love of Japanese culture and Cyberpunk; how do you go about incorporating themes from those influences? Is that something that flows naturally or something that requires more effort to create something to match the vision? “In all honesty it’s one of the easiest parts of the process because it really does come from a place of passion and authenticity. We’re truly just a couple of nerds who are obsessed with gaming, anime and Japanese culture.  Incorporating those themes into our music is something we really enjoy doing and will continue to do with future releases”

How did you come up with the collaboration with C4$PA-308 for “Devil Transformation”? What was it like working with an outsider to the project? “So, C4$PA is a close friend to the band who actually used to be in a couple of really cool deathcore bands (shout out Defilement(UK) and Replacer) so the whole process was a total blast. We’re all huge trap and Phonk fans so the collab just came naturally”

Last year you released a split with Riverside California heavy hitters Dreadworm which is fantastic. How did that come about? Is it something you’d like to work with another band on again in the future? “Thankyou! So it literally just happened from networking and each band chatting online.  We really enjoyed each others sounds and decided to throw together a little A/B side.  We’d definitely be open to a split with another band in future! “

You’ve already unleashed covers of cuts by KoRn, Slipknot and Desolated but who would you say were your guilty pleasure influences? “I’m a huge fan of cheesy Metalcore bands with big choruses like woe is me. I’m also very partial to an Anime theme song, The Naruto theme “Sillouhette” By the Japanese band Kana-Boon being a personal favourite”

What’s next for Majin? “Lots of really fun stuff! We’re gonna be releasing some live run throughs from our back catalogue, along with other content on our Socials and through our friends at Beheading The Traitor on YouTube. We’ll also have some really cool new merch available at majinmerch.bigcartel.com. And possibly some new music sooner than you think!”

District Violet” by Majin is out now and can be found everywhere you would expect it to be (and a few you wouldn’t).

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