Exclusive Interview: Wounded Not Dead talk writing and recording “The Alchemist”!

Sometimes what the day needs is a scalding hot cup of Death Wish coffee and some Space Death Fusion from Wounded Not Dead to beat back the flames of night terrors and allow for fresh focus on the task at hand before that too gets out of control. We spoke to drummer Adriano Ferraro and guitarist vocalist Thiago Carvalho about the work that went on behind the scenes on writing and recording their album “The Alchemist“, which finally saw release in May after two years of delay…

How did your previous experiences writing and recording 2017 debut album “The Battles of Horus of Edfu” help to smooth the path of the new record?

Adriano: “The fact that we are the same line up since day one has helped us grow, we have been mates for a long time. We are equally committed. Lots of hours in the studio and rehearsing together so it’s a good thing we get along! Haha!”

How does the writing process of a new track start? Melody, riff or rhythm first? How does it evolve from there before you consider it the finished article?

Adriano: “Thiago is the mastermind that brings the creativity and ideas to the studio, then we then collaborate together for the creation of the song”

What was it like working with Wynter Prior (Countless Skies, Hand Of Kalliach, After Smoke Clears) at Sphynx Studios, who recorded, mixed and mastered the album?

Thiago: “Speaking for myself, Wynter understood what I wanted to achieve guitar wise for the record, I took all my pedals and guitar gear and there it was the raw sound with nothing added to it. I think he’s done a great job capturing the band sound on “The Alchemist”.”

If you had the opportunity to work with a guest in the studio next time around, who would you like to work with and why?

Thiago: “Rick Wakeman would take “The Space Death Fusion” into another Galaxy, that would be surreal”

Adriano: “Igor Cavalera with his crazy synth machines!”

For us gear nerds out there, can you tell us what you’re using gear wise (pedals, strings, drums etc) to get your sound?

Thiago: “I use Gibson V guitars with Rotosound 10-52 strings, Electro Harmonix, MXR, Digitex and many other effect pedals, a Fender 5150 100w head with a custom made 2×12 cab and a Roland Jazz Chorus for the guitar loops”

Adriano: “Yamaha drums, Sabian cymbals, Czarcie Kopito pedal, Vic Firth sticks, Roland tm2”

What difference would it make to you as a band if you could land an endorsement from a gear manufacturer?

Adriano: “Well of course that would just be amazing, it would make a big difference! Cutting cost on gear in this current climate! We destroy instruments like there’s no tomorrow. Hahaha Endorsers, please reach out!

The Alchemist” by Wounded Not Dead is out now via LA Riot Survivor Records

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