NEWS: The pain dwells for Omnivortex?

As hinted at on social media, Helsinki Finland Progressive Death Metal protagonists Omnivortex have called time on the era of “Diagrams of Consciousness” with “Dwells“. The new single is the first from a 29th September releasing record titled “Circulate“, the cover art for which is within the stream but currently nowhere else, as is the advisory of availability on vinyl and compact disc. Production, recording and mixing were handled by the mastermind behind their debut album Teemu Aalto (Insomnium, Omnium Gatherum) whiel mastering was done by Jaime Gomez Arellano (Ghost, Mayhem).

Vocalist and guitarist Severi Saarioja comments: “Dwells is the first song that was written for the album. We also wanted to separate this album from the debut by starting off with full throttle, no questions asked- styled mentality, so it was obvious for “Dwells” to be the opener for the new record. “Circulate” as an album is a whole lot darker, ruthless, and overall heavier than the debut”

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