NEWS: Spiral Grave spit out a Lungful of Blood!

Formed after the demise of two legendary mid-Atlantic bands, Iron Man and Lord in 2018, Spiral Grave built a reputation of their own on the live circuit before recording their debut album “Legacy of the Anointed“. However once the great plague years came around, like many bands they were trapped in a bubble and with the release of that album on hold they decided to take the path less travelled and write and record a sophomore record. Their debut was eventually released in 2021 and now that second record is set to surface on 12th July via Argonauta Records with “Lungful of Blood” the first single. It’s title? “Ill Repute“.

The band comment: “Many artists have their COVID album, and this is ours. Once lockdowns started we just hunkered down and started writing. The emotions that we were all feeling during that time are very evident in these songs. The legendary Frank Marchand was at the helm for recording, and brought the absolute best out in us.”

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