Review: “Depraved Disfigurement” by Emasculator (2nd Anniversary)

A band split geographically between the Czech Republic and the United States may seem like a challenge that some do not wish to partake in. However Mallika Sundaramurthy (Nidorous-NSE, Unfathomable Ruination, ex-Abnormality), Morgehenna (PoonTickler), Teresa Wallace (Cartilage, Muldrotha, Feast) are an unholy trinity with long conviction sheets and endless ambition. Their debut demo release “Depraved Disfigurement” announced them on the Brutal Death Metal scene under the name Emasculator having been recorded in house by the band. Drum programming, re-amping, mixing and mastering was then carried out by Sasha Brokovykh (Lieweaver, Into The Fray, In Demise) at TsunTsun Productions before it was all adorned by cover art from Tanmay Mandal of Tan Pixel Studio. Are you ready?

A prelude to total annihilation, as a record “Depraved Disfigurement” is meant merely the amuse bouche, an appetizer before the main meal. However rather than simply being a rough and ready demo to help formulate the ideas of what the band sound like, if offers a lot more insight into their ideas for the project. Yes, the drums are programmed and sound a little flat in places but here that adds to the charm and gives the sound a certain nostalgic quality. Old school brutal death metal with a couple of really nice groove laden moments, the title track has that sinister edge to accompany its menacing overtones, vocalist Sundaramurthy capable of going toe to toe with any vocalist in the genre. Her spitting, snarling death growls mean the lyrics are almost indecipherable and yet they remain something to calm a savage beast. Sonically the band create atmosphere with their rhythmic dynamics, escaping the trappings of flamboyance and going straight for the jugular. While “Depraved Disfigurement” has personal feel to it lyrically like the confession of deranged psychotic killer, “Age of the Goddess” takes another direction. Sundaramurthy demonstrates her storytelling prowess as she describes the rising of Goddess to crush the demons amongst us in an act of blood thirsty rage, peeling back some of the Slam vocal orientated parts in doing so. Just a little bit. Brutally heavy, the track is a second punch in the guts with buzzsaw guitars and pounding aggression. Perhaps this is simply the tip of the iceberg… [7.5/10]

Track Listing

  1. Depraved Disfigurement
  2. Age of the Goddess

Depraved Disfigurement” by Emasculator was released on 5th August 2022 and is available over at bandcamp

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