Review: “Dominated by Pain” by No Escape

Recorded, mixed and mastered by Jerome fromĀ Born Hanged October 2019 saw Mannheim Germany based Heavy Hardcore quartet No Escape drop their first EP with the title “Demo“. That’s where the long ride out of hell began with the band unveiling just one solitary new single in five years of sporadic shows for obvious reasons. However their DIY or DIE work ethic has seen them work with The Cult Production, engineering and recording their own vocals and drums while passing off guitars and bass alongside mixing and mastering of a sophomore effort. Adorned by artwork from Dennis Fischer (Consvmer) the five piece return with “Dominated by Pain“…

A little rough and ready with a raw and abrasive guitar tone “Injustice” hits like a slab of concrete to the skull. Falling into the space between Beatdown Hardcore, Deathcore and Death Metal the track is a classic mid tempo bludgeoning that skips over the need for a chorus while having an addictive earworm main riff. It maybe simple but it’s as highly effective as a lethal dose administered in a clinic in Switzerland. The Old School Death Metal elements of “Abolish” hark back to the early 90’s, the buzzsaw guitars and blast beats paving the way for the brutal vocals to draw out the slow head bang. Subtle tempo changes give this one that two step ability in the mid section with a little bit of whammy bar action cracking a smile. Who doesn’t love a little whammy bar action? Turning up the intensity with a couple of fiercer vocal moments courtesy of a guest appearance from Rami of Lifecrusher on “Fog“, the band leave no stone unturned in their pursuit to create the kind of blunt force trauma that will get you in the pit. The drum sound maybe a little flat in places but there is fire in the throats and murderous intent behind the eyes. Cymbals get battered as the personal “Torn Limbs” plays out, the roars of “Death is alive! Death walks the earth!” inciting mosh pit violence as vocalist Simon seeks revenge for pain inflicted upon him by one of his enemies. Be warned, he his dragons breath is capable of inflicting searing wounds upon ear canals at 30 paces, so crossing him is a grave mistake. Title trackĀ “Dominated by Pain” injects a little more energy with bursts of blast beats at the turn around of low and slow riffs that grind your bones into powder like a pestle and mortar. This World is dominated by pain and the track is the shattered mirrors reflection of that, a caustic little poison pen letter that will send the weak of heart running to the hills. The aforementioned 2020 single “Cold Hunger” completes the collection in suitable style, a bruiser of a track with galloping drums and more rhythmic diversity in the riff department. Are your ears bleeding yet? [7/10]

Track Listing

1. Injustice
2. Abolish
3. Fog (ft. Rami Xoxo of Lifecrusher)
4. Torn Limbs
5. Dominated by Pain
6. Cold Hunger

Dominated by Pain” by No Escape is out 27th September 2024 and is available over at bandcamp

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