NEWS: aAnd? love chocolates on Valentines?

As 14th February happens to be a both Valentines Day and night that aAnd? will share a stage with Gutlocker, the band have decided to fire a warning shot early and unveil a new single. Titled “The Feast of St Valentines” the track is the riff lords usual brand of tongue in cheek humour but as with all their recorded material going forward, being performed live and caught in the moment rather than polished to death in the studio.

The band comment: “From now on, you get us. Unfiltered and straight from the desk. No editing. No click tracks. Everything goes from ourselves through a fader to your ears. All footage is real time and all mistakes are left in. Wish us well on our new journey and please like the video and subscribe to hear all our latest songs here first and only here. We know we said we weren’t going to be doing lyrics videos but, for this one we thought we’d make the exception :)”

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