Review: “Worship” by Allocer
A Technical Death Metal band from Perth in Western Australia, Allocer have been treading the boards since 2022 giving us their cunningly titled debut EP “The First Offering” in the summer of the following year. Combining Melodic Death Metal leads with Deathcore intensity and groove the five piece have the capability to offer something that is both old school and modern at the same time and all of it drenched in horrific atmospherics. Mixed and mastered by Floor at GLDCHN Studios (A Pretext To Human Suffering, Mourning Veil, Paraphilia) their sophomore record “Worship” unites current and former members of Paradise in Exile, Against the Tide and Obscenium…
A bass solo from Lewis Dodson ushers in the venomous “The Scavengers Daughter“, the track an lethal dose of Australian hatred steeped in the countries Death Metal tradition and aged in Oak casks. Blast beats galore ignite the flames of intensity, a fleeting interlude offering a false sense of security midway through the buzzsaw riff laden affair before pulling a lush melodic solo seemingly from out of nowhere. A high energy piece of restless and relentless Technical Death Metal, this one goes straight for the jugular, grabbing the attention with a vice grip from the first second and barely letting go. The Black Dahlia Murder and perhaps Inferi spring to mind as influences as the Australians prove they can go toe to toe with anyone in the current scene, their second offering on this record “Pounds For A Pound” the sonic equivalent of a blood thirsty Viking rampage through a village. A solo ending with a whammy bar moment is magnificent with the final notes of this one threatening to break into a downtempo Deathcore breakdown but narrowly avoiding the collision. The sounds of an unrelenting storm can not prepare you for the violent onslaught of “Drogher” as Allocer come out swinging. Death growls are contrasted by shriller moments as Joel Pears tears through the lyric sheet like a man effortlessly ripping a phone book in two, the sonic backdrop offering a blend of Classic and Technical Death Metal. A relentless groove orientated riff and thunderous percussion drives the vicious assault on the senses forward with the modern edged sound a display of the art of the possible. The melodic conclusion that follows the punishment beating is soaked in melancholic atmosphere and offers a moments peace, the question when, not if, a major label will snap them up [8.5/10]
Track Listing
- The Scavengers Daughter
- Pounds For A Pound
- Drogher
“Worship” by Allocer is out 24th March 2024 and might be available over at bandcamp.