Tag: Fear Factory

NEWS: Soulfly announce “Totem” with “Superstition”!

Having already been played live and spread like wildfire online, Soulfly have officially unveiled “Superstition” as the first single and opening cut of their twelfth studio album “Totem“, to be  released via Nuclear Blast on 5th August 2022. Recorded at Platinum Underground in Mesa Arizona by John Aquilino and Arthur Rizk with assistance from John

Throwback: “Linchpin” from Fear Factory!

The 21st Anniversary of the final chapter in a trilogy album arc from Industrial Metal Kings Fear Factory is a curious one to celebrate as “Digimortal” received a mixed reaction amongst fans and critics while yet still having a big anthemic single in “Linchpin“. In some ways it was one troubled from the start as

Throwback: “Facebreaker” from Divine Heresy!

In a parallel universe, Dino Cazares never returned to Fear Factory and left the “Transgression” era of the Los Angeles Metallers to soldier on, instead continuing on with Travis Neal, Tim Yeung and the sadly now departed Joseph Reece Payne in Divine Heresy, a project that he built from the ground up to release two

Bootleg: Soulfly in Berkeley California!

Quite how long Fear Factory mastermind Dino Cazares will remain a part of Soulfly remains to be seen but for the time being at least he seems to be holding down the touring guitarist role in the absence of anyone else. Iron Serbian from  Capital Chaos TV has shared not one but two new songs

Review: “Kundalini Rising” by MÆNTRA

San Francisco California has been responsible for more than it’s fair share of Metal history and back in 2017 the first incarnation of MÆNTRA was conceived as a Brutal Industrial Death Metal project with what we’re going to loosely term cosmic leanings. Now on the third incarnation and a trio of guitarist and vocalist Rudy

NEWS: DJINN-GHÜL unveil “Pleonexia” once more!

Divided between Venezuela and the United States, DJINN-GHÜL was formed by multi instrumentalist Grant Nachbur and vocalist and engineer Junior Patiño in 2017, when both wanted to manufacture an oddity death-metal project with the purpose of conceiving an extreme and unconventional sound, while dissolving all expectations of the sub-genre. After two well received full length

NEWS: Vio-Lence cleave flesh from bone!

The highly anticipated new EP “Let The World Burn” from Bay Area Thrash legends Vio-Lence drop via Metal Blade Records on 4th March and with first single “Flesh From Bone” landing today and igniting the blue touch paper, it can’t arrive soon enough. For those not in the know, the band released a trio of

Review: “Pass Out Of Existence” by Chimaira (20th Anniversary)

A whirlwind of dark emotions and introspections from Mark Hunter who plays the lover burned by a toxic on-off relationship, suffering depressive moods and suicidal thoughts, “Pass Out of Existence” is the largely overlooked major label debut from Cleveland Ohio bruisers Chimaira, despite selling 44k copies but did lay the ground work for the band

Interview: Soulfly talk Dino Cazares with Heavy New York!

Following the shock news that former Ill Niño guitarist Marc Rizzo has exited stage left from Soulfly with OG riff lord Dino Cazares from Fear Factory brought in for the bands upcoming touring commitments, Max Cavalera spoke to Heavy New York about everything from those touring plans to the 30th Anniversary of “Arise” from his

Playthrough: “Recode” from Fear Factory!

We might be no closer to the announcement of a replacement vocalist for Burton C Bell or any tour dates but in “Aggression Continuum“, the 10th Studio album from Fear Factory, we do have one almighty slab of Industrial Metal. Dino Cazares, Tony Campos and Mike Heller have shared a playthrough performance of “Recode” from the