Review: “Coming Clean” EP by Volumes
Palm muted DJent grooves are usually the order of the day when it comes to the ever controversial Volumes. Having gained former Bury Your Dead vocalist Myke Terry to replace Michael Barr as their second vocalist last time out and faced up to the Heroin addiction of other lead vocalist Gus Farias it seems that things are back on track. The crown of thorns style cover art perhaps a reference to that prior drama and what it is taking to rebuild. Surprise releasing the new EP will no doubt set them up for a summer of touring festivals surrounded by club shows as is their usual way.
The surprise of a guest vocal from Chris Fronzak of Attila perhaps pointing to the bands sharing some stages in the summer gets things off to a flying start with “No Love” which brings back the heavier tones of guitarist Diego Farias breaking any ice immediately. Lyrically talking about climbing from the bottom and rising from the ashes to be back with avengence, it’s a powerful opening statement piece that brings things back together. The surprise is that Fronzak’s cameo is delivered over a pair of funkier groove parts rather than the slab tones but it’s fresh sounding and a great start. Terry also delivers some of the best uncleans he’s done in a long while. “Hello Goodbye” has a melloncholic haunting bridge with Terry delivering the kind of vocals we heard on numerous occasions on “Different Animals”. Nick Ursich delivers a powerhouse kit performance and while the guitars are a bit more progressive, they’re a kin to the bands finest heavier material.
The Nu-Metal introspection of “Alive” is more like the material on the bands sophomore album “No Sleep” with a fine balance between both vocalists elements and some more Progressive Metalcore material that gives hints at the melodic side of the likes of Periphery as being an influence. It’s not anything new for the band and doesn’t represent a style shift but it does provide a nice refresh and atmospheric with a more traditional vocal performance and cleaner sound. Continuing that break with “Revenant”, an ambient largely instrumental affair that sees Diego Farias deliver a fine piano piano performance over programmed drum loops and electronics, it’s a fine summer tune that is probably going to be only heard on the EP. It’s something of a showcase for the bands talents in musicanship and craft as well as showing their love for the less Metal styles.
Bridging nicely into “Until The End”, Volumes then gear shift straight back into off kilter stuccato riffage and some thunderous bass groove from Raad Soudani. Lyrically trying to get though to someone who’s not listening, perhaps the story of a broken relationship or wishing to mend burned bridges, it’s a driven, bouncy affair that is classic Volumes. Title track “Coming Clean” starts with a spoken word rap that sounds like a guest vocal but isn’t labelled as such. Interspersed with programmed drum work, Myke Terry delivers a fine melodic vocal over the punchy guitar chugs. The lyrics are refreshingly honest as has been the way since “Different Animals” and there is plenty of quality on show. [8/10]