Review: “Killer Beef” EP by Enemy Mind

The Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Beatdown Hardcore crew who like a bit of Death Metal known as Enemy Mind are a quintet well honed in the ethos of the street. A pair of albums and now a pair of EPs down the track, this one should be one to solidify their sound.

“If you knew you wouldn’t get caught what would you do?” Asks the question of the opening speech of “Watch Yourself”. It features a guest vocal from Jason Hominsky of Built Upon Frustration and brings that Metallic Hardcore groove with obvious influences in the Death Metal category. Gang chant and an early Hatebreed vibe are both in evidence with some mosh heavy guitar breaks that elevate the breakdown by overlaying the bludgeoning rhythm riffs with some Thrashier tones. Lyrically it’s the track from which the EP takes its name, one about having beef and wanting to wipe the floor with those on the way. “Look of Fear” continues the savage Hardcore vibe with some choice tempo shifts and when it steps up into some classic Death Metal territory, it leaves the opposition behind. If you need to make your peace with God, then now is the time as Enemy Mind are literally running you down for your crimes with an assault and battery charge. Music from the mean streets with a modern production value on an older sound. That being said, busting out the acoustics for a surprising piece of classical Metal leaning material which may at some point serve as the bands intro tape. It actually brings to mind Chimaira and their “Impossibility of Reason” comes to mind.

Bringing that hardcore approach lyrically with “Loyal to Myself”, a song about putting yourself first, standing up for yourself, not needing anyone, it’s one that asks a few serious questions. Are you sure you need friends and family to hold you up or can you do it on your own? Amid breakdown after breakdown and a brutal approach. Featuring a guest appearance from Pelbu of Bun Dem Out and Knuckledust, “We Hate You” sees Enemy Mind slow things right down for a fit pumping and gang chant laiden opening verse that quickly makes way for a huge step in place with a circle pit chorus verse one two punch and some cut glass uncleans. A Slayer inspired solo drops off for Pelbu to take the microphone like a Wrestling tag move to bring the song to an impressive close with an extended verse. “Outro” is a 124 second single gang chanted verse that repeats over and over and while it’s anvil heavy and suitably fitting it does seem like a part that’s left out from another track. Overall, “Killer Beef” by Enemy Mind is a lethal dose of American Hatered that is sharp and on point [8/10]

“Killer Beef” by Enemy Mind is out now via BDHW Records and available over at bandcamp

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