The Black Map #153: Woe Betide from Brighton!

One of the cities with the most vibrant of Metal scenes in the United Kingdom is Brighton, which might be a place to enjoy a walk along the sea front, get some fresh fish and chips or an ice cream on a hot summers day or enjoy the arcades on the pier during a sudden downpour, but it’s also the home of brutal Death Metal quintet Woe Betide. They opened the gates of hell and allowed all the demons to walk the Earth unchained with last year’s “Throne Of Spines” which was produced, mixed and mastered to perfection by Wynter Prior (Wounded Not Dead) at Sphynx Studios having been recorded at Audio Beach Studios before hand. They’re calling it an EP but at 33 minutes and with 7 tongue lashings of pure hatred from vocalist Kieran Shearer including “Black Out The Sun” and “Course of Self Obliteration” it qualifies as a full length album not only in our bloodshot eyes (through which death becomes clearer) but also in those of streaming giants Spotify. So if you haven’t heard it and you’re a sucker for ear splitting punishment, then what are you waiting for?! Hell won’t freeze over for long…

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