Exclusive Interview: Whipworm talk “In The Throes”!
A little bit ago we spoke to the man, the myth and the legend that is Travis Weinand (Titan, Burden, Tetsuo), a multi instrumentalist and vocalist who conjoined with drummer Dave Ferrara (ex-Cemetery) have been creating some really intriguing Thrash inspired Death Metal. They released their third EP “In The Throes” I’m November, just 17 months after their debut “Swarm” which is nothing short of prolific by anyone’s standards…
How have you found the reaction to “In The Throes” so far? “So far, it has been really positive. People really seem to be digging it”
We love the Hammer Horror comic books style aesthetic of the artwork for the new offering; who was behind that and where did the idea come from? “Thanks! I came up with it, I handle all of the art and design duties for the band as well. I’ve just always been a fan of that style. I used to collect comics like crazy when I was younger, and had a bunch of the Tales From the Crypt comics. For some reason, this album felt like the right one to go with that style”
Do you consider “In The Throes” to be a concept release with it’s lyrical threads of transition from human to legion? What was the inspiration behind the narrative?.“Sort of, yeah. I like to try and make things cohesive. It helps me focus and write out my ideas more clearly. I have always been fascinated with the idea of immortality, but a power of that magnitude doesn’t come without a cost. So I wanted to explore what kind of journey, mentally and physically that would take you on. And what toll it may take on you, as well”
Have you considered fleshing out to a full band to take these songs into the live arena or is Whipworm very much a studio only project at this point? “We have absolutely been thinking of playing live. Hopefully we will have a bass player on board soon. It was originally just a studio project, but we have been having so much fun making these songs, we don’t want to stop now!”
If you could work with any guest on your next release, who would you like to work with and why? “I’m not sure, maybe some guest vocals and solos from some of my friends in other bands would be fun, like Jason Herrmann from my other band Tetsuo, Pat Shea from Titan, and Ruston Grosse of Amesa Spentas. They’re all beast musicians, and I know we all work well together”
What’s next for Whipworm? “Well, we’ve already begun work on the fourth EP, haha. But other than that, hopefully we can get some live shows under our belt. I really think people would dig this stuff live. Also working on getting some merchandise, and possibly some physical copies of all our releases”
“In The Throes” by Whipworm is out now and available over at bandcamp.