Review: “Sceptre” by Vision Master

A mystal journey to a sandstone throne with the power to probe the origins of mankind, “Sceptre” by Vision Master ultimately asks the question: “If you had the power to undo the petulant plague that is man, would you?

Between day and night, slumber and wakefulness, reality splits and the universe cracks asunder. This is the domain of the Vision Master, the creation of former Funerot members Dan Munro (Vocals and guitar) and Reuben Storey (Bass and drums, also known for his work in Christian Mistress). Influenced by a multitude of old-school metal acts like Slough Feg, Venom and Mercyful Fate the duo also enjoy the dirtier and extreme path of Discharge, Poison Idea, Die Kreuzen and classic Black Metal. They pick up where they left off with 2021’s debut EP “Orb“…

It is said that we are a product of our genetics  and our environment and given the influences and prior convictions of both Munro and Storey there should be no doubting what their project is all about. Sounding raw and old school, like it was recorded live from the killing floor, opening cut “Wolves in the Shadows” follows a lyrical narrative of pure fantasy. One part snot nosed punk and one part Black Metal, the underlying tale told by the album feels similar to that of Mad Max Beyond The Thunderdome, which isn’t a hindrance, instead adding to the charm of it all. Fresh, fast and a little funkier “Wet Net” tells of the zombification of mankind in the internet age in a wordy high pitched rant. It’s an intelligent, interesting insight with bags of charm, as is “Gossamer Sky“, which continues down the yellow brick road of being a little bit eccentric and eclectic while having at its heart an absolute ripper of an extended solo. There is something about some of Dan Munro’s vocals that makes one thing of David Bowie, something which surfaces again in “Knife in a Velvet Glove“, a cut front loaded with blast beats and scorn. A riot of riffs, the turbo charged guitars match the lethally energetic pace set by Storey stride for stride while the sing-a-long chorus will have the discerning listener joining in on the first listen. Introducing some meloncholic moments “Walls of Bone” find Munro continuing to impress with the six string weapon of absolute power, his leads and solos outshining some of his rhythmic prowess. A slower meandering, this one is a moment of respite of sorts before the second half of the record begins in ernest.

Flying out of hell’s gate like a dungeon whippet chasing ghosts, “Sandstone” has a glorious bass line bleed out giving it real pop, the harsher vocal parts giving it a real kick. “Arc Terminal X” finds Murno entering into riff warfare with Sean “Bloodbath” McGrath of Impaled as the two attempt out play each other at breakneck speed. Storey deliberately keeps the pace high during the playful onslaught, the storyline almost cast aside in favour of the mesmerising guitars. That Black ‘n Roll style continues into “Dust Within“, which doesn’t have the expansiveness in the guitar department but instead dances with the dead in pomp and circumstance. If that wasn’t crazy enough for you, “Beyond” sounds like the mind trip experienced on some potent hallucinogenic drugs. A throwback to the 1970’s, the introduction hints at ethnic inspirations before returning to the bands core sound, banishing any thoughts of starting a crusade. “Thin Veil” brings the curtain down with the longest conspiracy theory on the album, a composition that has a tongue in cheek humour about it as it references itself as the final cut. A tale of the love of alcohol but not drunken debauchery, it’s one that intrigues rather than delights [7/10]

Track Listing

1. Wolves in the Shadows
2. Wet Net
3. Gossamer Sky
4. Knife in a Velvet Glove
5. Walls of Bone
6. Sandstone
7. Arc Terminal X (ft. Sean “Bloodbath” McGrath of Impaled)
8. Dust Within
9. Beyond
10. Thin Veil

Sceptre” by Vision Master is out 25th August 2023 via Gates Of Hell Records with pre-orders available over at bandcamp.

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